OKFŐ - Frequently Asked Questions


1. I need to get my healthcare qualification recognised abroad, what should I do?

The Department of Recognition and Monitoring is responsible for the issuance of the certificates that are needed for the recognition of the healthcare qualifications outside of Hungary. For detailed information about the recogition process, please contact the competent authority of the host country first, where you can get the list of the necessary documents as well.

2. What does certificate mean?

The Department of Recognition and Monitoring is the competent department to issue certificates that are needed for the recognition of healthcare diplomas abroad. The certificate is an umbrella term which covers documents with different contents, such as certificate of conformity or certificate of good standing, etc. If you have a non-healthcare qualification, for information about the certificates please contact the Hungarian Equvivalence and Information Centre. (https://www.oktatas.hu/kepesitesek_elismertetese/english/contact_information )

3. How can I get the certificates?

The certificates are issued exclusively by your request. The application form and the list of supporting documents are available in the submenus of the certificates.

4. How can I submit my request?

The application form and the supporting documents can be submitted by post or in person at our customer service. In cases when original documents are not needed, the request can be submitted through e-mail as well, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

5. How long does the procedure take?

According to the national legislation the deadline of the procedure is maximum 30 calendar days. In most of the cases the procedure does not take that long, however it depends of the type of the requested certificate. The applications are processed in chronological order.

6. I need several certificates, how can I apply for them?

You can indicate several types of certificates on the form at the same time. In this case the identical supporting documents have to be attached only once. Please note that the fee for the procedure depends on the number of indicated certificates!

7. I want the certificate to be issued about several qualifications, how much do I have to pay?

The fee of the procedure depends on the he number of indicated certificates, not on the number of qualifications involved in the procedure. It means if you need one type of certificate (such as a certificate of conformity) to be issued of your qualifications (e.g. diploma in general medicine and a spcialist qualification in internal medicine) at the same time, that counts only once.

8. Can I get the certificates in other languages?

As the official language in the administration is Hungarian, the certificates are always issued in Hungarian language. However, by the request of the applicant (which can be indicated at the form’s ’other remarks, requests’ gap) an additional English version also can be issued without any extra charges. The translation to any other languages has to be managed by the Applicant.

9. I need more than one original certificate (additional copy), how can I request that?

A) Additional copy for yourself:

The procedural fee covers one Hungarian certificate (and one English if requested). The request for additional copies can be indicated at the form’s „other remarks, requests” gap.

Additional copies cost 600 HUF per copies, which has to be paid in fee stamp (in Hungarian ’illetékbélyeg’) on the original request or on its modification.

B) Additional copy for the foreign competent authority:

One additional copy of the requested certificates can be sent directly to the foreign competent authority via e-mail or by post upon the request of the Applicant without any extra charges, if the foreign competent authority requires it.

The name and contact details of the foreign competent authority has to be indicated on the form’s ’other remarks, requests’ gap.

10. Can I have my certificates posted outside of Hungary?

The certificates can be sent abroad without any extra charges. However, we kindly ask you to give your complete address on the form in order to avoid the inconveniences caused by unsuccesful delivery.

11. I submitted original documents in the procedure and I need them back. What should I do?

You can indicate at the form’s ’other remarks, requests’ gap if you need certain documents back, and it will be sent back to you alongside with the certificates.

12. The foreign (host) competent authority requires from me to get its form completed (signed and sealed) by the Center, what is the procedure for that?

In order to decide which procedure applies for your case, we kindly ask you to send a copy of the document (form) in question through e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) previously.